Insight Management Journal ISSN 2774-1737 is an open access media in publishing scientific articles, this journal contains research results in the field of management science, and articles are available online, free without any subscription. Articles submitted to this journal will be processed through peer review with a double blind method so that the quality of the article is maintained.
Insight Management Journal is professionally managed and published by the Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi in helping academics, researchers and practitioners to disseminate the results of their research. This journal was first published in September 2020, published 3 times a year: January, May, and September.
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Insight Management Journal Accredited by Sinta 5 through the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology, Number: 225/E/KPT/2022, dated December 7, 2022, concerning Accreditation Ratings for Scientific Journals Period III of 2022, valid for 5 years, starting from Volume 1 number 1 of 2020 to Volume 5 number 2 of 2025.
Current Issue
Assessing the experiential marketing and customer value to develop the customer satisfaction
- download pdf views: 289 | download: 202 | DOI :
Pengaruh kompetensi dan komunikasi terhadap kinerja Aparatur Sipil Negara di Kota Lubuklinggau
- download pdf views: 161 | download: 112 | DOI :
Determinants of repurchase intention in online shopping at shopee
- download pdf views: 339 | download: 246 | DOI :
Peran motivasi, gaya kepemimpinan dalam meningkatkan kinerja pegawai di mediasi kepuasan kerja
- download pdf views: 1193 | download: 856 | DOI :