
How the submissions process manuscripts?

Step 1: Register
[1] Provide article / manuscript files that have been typed according to the Insight Management Journal template in the form of Ms Word (.doc) or (.docx);
[2] Click the link registration;
[3] In the “Profile” section, fill in the form provided (Given name= First name; Family name= Last name; Affiliation= name of the institution; Phone=author's mobile number; Country= Country author);
[4] In the section “Login”, type the author's active email; username and password used for login;
[5] Check the boxes in front of “Yes, I agree to my data being collected and stored in accordance with the privacy statement” and “Yes, I would like to be notified of new publications and announcements”;
[6] Click “Register” (account registration process is complete);

If after successful registration / create an account on OJS, and you want to immediately submit the manuscript, in the section “Registration complete” click “Make new submission

Step 2: Submissions process
After login, in the section “Submit an article”

1. Start
[1] In the section “Submission requirements”, mark "checklist" in the box in each item (there are 5 items);
[2] In the section “Comment for the editor”, leave it blank;
[3] In the section “Corresponding contact”, put a “checklist” mark in the box in each item (there are 2 items);
[4] Click the button “Save and continue”.

2. Upload submission
[1] In the section “Upload submission file”, click “Article component” section and select “Article text”;
[2] Click the button “Upload file”, to upload a manuscript file;
[3] Click the button “Continue”;
[4] In the section “Reviewer details”, click the button “Continue”;
[5] In the section “Confirm”, click the button “Complete”;
[6] Click the button “Save and continue”.

3. Enter metadata
[1] In the section “Prefix”, leave it blank;
[2] In the section “Title" fill in the title in the manuscript;
[3] In the section “Subtitles”, leave it blank;
[4] In the section “Abstract”, fill in the abstract in the manuscript (English and Indonesian);
[5] In the section “List of contributors”, click "Add contributor" to add all author names in the manuscript (here corresponding authors must be careful in writing names &; emails)
[6] In the section “Additional refinements keywords”, fill in the keywords in the manuscript;
[7] In the section “References”, fill in the bibliography in the manuscript;
[8] Click the button “Save and continue”

4. Comfirmation
[1] Click the button “Finish submission”
[2] In the section “Confirm”, click the button “Ok”.

5. Next step “Submission complete”
Until this stage, you have finished submitting the manuscript, log in periodically to check the stages of your manuscript.